ACADEMY Curriculum

STAGE I: Work Hard
The Black Box Method

Immerse yourself in Black Box training and walk away with a tangible process. Lay your foundation in Meisner and Viewpoints and revolutionize your approach to text by mastering The Black Box Method.

In Stage I, you will learn to own who you are on stage without apology, unleash your imagination, and live fully and fearlessly in your work.

Stage I pushes you to find your artistic voice, even while you are speaking through a playwright’s words.

STAGE II: Be Fearless
The Revolution

Flex and exercise your new process. Drill application daily through a variety of different types of acting work. Tackle ensemble scenes, classics, film, TV, commercials, and the most exciting roles you hope to play.

Stage II will prepare you to become more than just an actor; The ACADEMY revolutionizes your process and prepares you to become an Artistic Leader in your community. You will complete Stage II feeling ready to test your skills in many professional settings.

STAGE III: No Regrets
No Consequences

Fearlessly dive head first into a multi-week rehearsal process, culminating in a showcase that is filmed by a professional crew. Stage III is the capstone of your ACADEMY training.

Directed by a Black Box Team Member, your final showcase will be seen by industry professionals, casting directors, agents and artistic directors, both from the Chicago area and across the country. This collaborative production will showcase how far you’ve come as an actor during your time in The ACADEMY.